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dc.contributor.authorDimas Zurivandu Nugraha
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to identify the effectiveness of the morphology teaching curriculum at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam. This research is a descriptive and evaluative study. The researcher distributed a questionnaire to all fifty-five students who had studied morphology at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam in 2019 and 2020. The introduction is presented in chapter one, and the literature review is written in chapter two, which is divided into two sections: morphology and curriculum. In chapter three, the researcher described and evaluated the course book taught in the bachelor's degree program. In Chapter 4, the researcher presented the research methodology and procedures between the research methodology, sample characteristics, and a tool for collecting the data for this research. Then the researcher analysed that in a quantitative, descriptive, and evaluative manner in Chapter 5, in addition to identifying positive and negative aspects of the curriculum, to get the expected results. The study concluded the research by summarising it into a set of findings and recommendations, in addition to making a recommendation to improve the positive aspects and revise the negative aspects that would help the development of the morphology teaching curriculum at that university. This research has shown the results that were reviewed at the conclusion. The most important of them are the objectives of the curriculum, teaching methods, and teaching aids, which do not need modification but need to be strengthened and sustained in the teaching and learning process as planned in the curriculum followed, while the content of the curriculum needs to be modified and maintained, and the evaluation system needs to be reviewed and updated continuously.en_US
dc.subjectArabic language -- Researchen_US
dc.titleمنهج تدريس علم الصرف في جامعة السلطان الشريف علي الإسلامية: دراسة وصفية تقويميةen_US
dc.title.alternativeKurikulum Pengajaran Morfologi di Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali: Kajian Deskriptif dan Evaluatifen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Morphology Curriculum at Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University: A Descriptive and Evaluative Studyen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Arabic Languageen_US
dc.supervisorالدكتور أحمد يني بن إمام صباريen_US

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