عيوب النكاح في الفقه الإسلامي : دراسة تحليلية
It has indeed been stipulated in Islam that the talaq is in the hands of the husband.
However, for some reasons that were allowed by Islamic Law, the wife also has the
right to seek divorce from her husband by claiming Fasakh from kadi who dissolves
the marriage. And in this academic exercise, the researcher focuses on the opinion of
the jurists about the defects that occurs between the spouses that prevents the spouse
from having sexual intercourse or been suffering from dangerous diseases. Based on
these factors, the author has chosen a scientific academic exercise entitled “ Defects In
Marriage In Fiqh Islam and Analysis “. In order to achive this goal, the researcher will
use the main method that is through Arabic books that contain different opinions of
fuqaha on this topic. From this study, we can draw conclusions about the current
defects and the procedure of dissolution of marriage due to defects in the Islamic
Family Law of Brunei Darussalam 217. This is solely aimed at upholding justice and
restoring the harmony of the muslim household. In this academic exercise, the
researcher also aware that Brunei Darussalam gave the power to kadi in fulfilling
duties in handling problems in dissolution of marriage due to defects occur in
marriage or before and after marriage.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Aib Pernikahan di Dalam Fiqh Islam : Kajian Analisis
Defects in Marriage in Fiqh Islam and Analysis
Defects in Marriage in Fiqh Islam and Analysis