ميراث ذوي الأرحام في الفقه الإسلامي
The inheritance of relatives in fiqh islam is a division of property to relatives who can
replace the original lineage. Therefore, researchers chose this title because it is rare.
And the researcher chose it to explain and discuss the matter which contains two
clauses. In the first clause on the meaning, propositions, conditions and asnaf of a
particular asnaf. The second clause describes the division of property and the members
contained therein. Finally, in conclusion, this zawwil arham is a lineage that can
replace the original lineage with full justice. In syaa allah, this subject can benefit the
people and the country.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Mirath Zawwil Arham di Dalam Fiqh Islam.
The Inheritance of Relatives in Fiqh Islam.
The Inheritance of Relatives in Fiqh Islam.