أحكام الصغير في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون البروناوي
Children are a gift from Allah SWT where parents are held accountable to take care of
and educate them to be beneficial. Children can also be defined as someone who has yet
reach baligh. Therefore, research must be done and on what baligh means based on the
views of ulama dan fuqaha as well as the Syariah Law of Brunei. Based on the research,
there are some conflict or disputes among the views of ulama and fuqaha with regards to
child marriage because some fuqaha opined that it is valid for a child to get married
although they have not reach baligh. This shows that there are many laws regarding
children issues. There are also contradiction regarding the rights of children. The right or
waris is one of them. Therefore, this shows that there are various hukum regarding the
children’s right and issues. Negara Brunei Darussalam is similar to other countries that
has difficulties among society involving children that requires attention in which, the
Law of Brunei does not have much contradiction between Hukum Syara’ though there
are similarities in between.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Hukum Kanak-Kanak Menurut Fiqh Islam dan Undang-Undang Brunei
Children’s Rullings in Islamic Jurisprudence and Brunei Kanun
Children’s Rullings in Islamic Jurisprudence and Brunei Kanun