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dc.contributor.authorNuur Afiqah binti Benjimin
dc.description.abstractThe search problem is due to a disturbance in the understanding of the meaning of innocence. It is known that it is a crime to become a solution in case of necessity with no conditions known. The study aims to achieve this term and to indicate the meaning of the legitimate purposes and the origins of the Criminal Courts of Law, with the addition of learning how arbitration is widespread in Brunei's law and to discipline the effects of the application of the Criminal Boundaries case in Brunei Darussalam. Therefore, the researcher in this study relied on the extrapolative descriptive approach to the realization of the meaning of the term, especially by reference to books on ancient and contemporary rule books, scientific research in libraries, and judicial books in Brunei Darussalam with an addition of newsletter with the related topic. The researcher also works on some related conflicting issues with a statement of evidence and weighting between them. The result at the end of the study is that society dares to apply to negate it under this rule in all cases that are thought to be legitimate necessity. This study is intended to contribute to studies on the terminology of the accused in the first place, in terms of doctrinal and legal innocence, wherever it is easier to preserve and to dispense with the most partial aspects in life.en_US
dc.titleقاعدة "المتهم بريء حتى تثبت إدانته" وتطبيقها في الشريعة وفي القانون البروناوي.en_US
dc.title.alternativePeraturan "Tertuduh Tidak Bersalah Sehingga Terbukti Bersalah" dan Pemakaiannya Dalam Undang-Undang Syariah dan Undang-Undang Bruneien_US
dc.title.alternativeThe "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Rule and its Application in Shariah Law and Bruneian Lawen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Shariah and Lawen_US
dc.supervisorالأستاذ المشارك الدكتور عبد الرحمن رادن آجى حقيen_US

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