أحكام الأراضي في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون البروناوي
Everything in the Earth belongs to Allah. Human are given an authority by Allah as kholifah
to prosper the earth as the human’s responsibility to Allah. Whoever have/authorize a land
considered having a mandate from Allah should comprehend the intended law established
by Allah so that what the human do as a kholifah toward the authority and ownership of
land in their territorial as the essence of transfer from Allah in order to manage, watch,
distribute, and guide the use of land in accordance with Allah’ aim to create the earth for
the sake of human’s prosperity and of public goodness (al maslahah al-‘ammah). Also, I
put in here an Act of land in Brunei Law.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Hukum –Hukum Tanah Menurut Fiqh Islam dan Undang-Undang Brunei
The State of Land in The Islamic Fiqh and Brunei Law
The State of Land in The Islamic Fiqh and Brunei Law