البلوغ في سن مبكرة وأثره على الأسرة والمجتمع
Puberty means being old enough, and it is a sign that a person has a
responsibility to the family and then to society. It can also be understood as a stage in
life, where a person's body changes from a child to an adult through some of the signs
of puberty. In general, the time of puberty is different for each individual and varies
according to everyone’s hormones. Some reach puberty early, others the opposite. In
this scientific research, the researcher elaborates and explains in detail according to
the chapters that have been compiled. The chapters are about the age of puberty at an
early age among men, women and khunsa and its impact on the family and society
according to Islamic law in the daily life as a Muslim. The aim of this scientific
research is to clarify the responsibilities that a person bears upon reaching the
endowment of Sharia provisions. In this scientific research, the researcher used the
research method by browsing the web as tools to measure questions about puberty at
an early age. Then, the researcher will also ask some questions about some things
related to puberty and this method is implemented among the community in Brunei
Darussalam. At the end of this scientific research, the researcher concludes that when
a person reaches the age of puberty, the person must perform his own responsibilities
and must be sensitive to any responsibilities towards himself, his family, society, and
religion through Islamic law.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Umur Baligh Di Usia Muda Dan Kesannya Terhadap Keluarga Dan Masyarakat
Adolescence At a Young Age and Its Effects on Families and Society
Adolescence At a Young Age and Its Effects on Families and Society