البطالة ومعالجة الإسلام لها: دراسة تحليلية مقاصدية
Unemployment is one of the infamous economic problems faced entirely by poor, developing, and even developed states. Within the history of Islam, the “unemployment” term has never been discussed in seminary among scholars. This indicates that the term “unemployment” is a new term applied in Islamic world. The question then arises, does Islam acknowledge the existence of “Unemployment” or name the same notion in other proper terms, and at the same time offer an absolute solution to rectify this problem. This research intends to discover the notion of unemployment from Islamic and current economic perspectives. On how it affects states and how Islam rectifies it. Primary and secondary data literature retrieved from Turath and current economic-related books are used to achieve objectives. Data were analysed to conclude the proper meaning of unemployment and how Islamic Syariah principle could help to resolve it. This research discovered that unemployment in the Islamic perspective is absent from employment due to inevitable causes, such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks, or caused by human attitude or perspective towards employment. This research also revealed that Islam never condones unemployment but, in contrast, encourages the believer to work based on the specific condition according to their ability and against idleness and laziness. Islam portrays moderation in understanding unemployment issues to avoid relying on salary-based employment for its believers to make a living, by integrating the concept of sustenance from Islamic doctrine and Syariah perspectives.
- MASTER (FSL) [85]
Alternative Title
Unemployment and Islam’s Treatment of it: An Intentional Analytical Study