الشيخ داود الفطاني ومنهجه في الاستدلال بالأحاديث النبوية: دراسة تحليلية في كتاب منية المصلي
This dissertation explores the methodology used by Shaykh Daud al-Fatāni in juristic deduction (istidlāl) with the ḥadīth from his book titled “Munyat al-Muṣallī”. This book encompasses number of ḥadith and its commentaries. The purpose of this study is to introduce the book author, his scientific effort and his position in ḥadīth science, as well as to investigate the method in his commentaries towards ḥadīth he used as istidlāl. The researcher will use inductive method by collecting all the ḥadīth and its commentary from the book. Subsequently, the researcher will analyse the commentaries of all the ḥadīth through reviewing from the various aspects, which includes the translation techniques and the stream of thoughts of the book author in commenting the ḥadīth. The research found the book is one of the prominent fiqh books discussing prayer in the Malay world. It is still used as textbooks and reference in most traditional institutions such as pondok, pesantren, or formal research institutions although lots of new books have been published in numerous current approaches. The research also found the author is an Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamā‘ah figure following the Shāfi‘i mazhab in the act of ‘ibādat. These all can be seen from his points of view which he referred to a lot from well known Shāfi‘i scholars when describing ḥadīth. Besides that, he is also a Taṣawwuf practitioner which can be identified from his elaboration on the importance of khushu’ in prayer. Moreover, his opinions in this chapter also aligns with the opinions of distinguished Taṣawwuf scholars like Imam Ghazāli rahimullāh.
- MASTER (FOU) [71]
Alternative Title
Shaykh Daud Al-Fatani and his Methodology in Juristic Deduction (Istidlal) with the Hadith: An Analytical Study from the Book Munyat Al-Musalli