التعاليم المنحرفة لجماعة دارالأرقم
This dissertation seeks to recognize misguided teaching Jema’ah Dar Al-Aqram and to know biography Asy’ari bin Muhammad, its role and its harmful effects in spreading deviant teachings in the Al-Arqam to division Muslims. The study was conducted using a survey methodology to examine the library reference materials in the related fields such as of history, dakwah, aqidah and religious faith. Through this study, the researcher also presented a correlation between Asy’ari bin Muhammad and Suhaimi to spread the teachings and holding the astray. This study contain the history of the emergence of this group,holding them to a Sufi Aurad Muhammad , some of their other beliefs as they wait Mahdi Al-Muntazar. Later studies also mention the ways to overcome this group and how to cancel their teachings of sinners.
Alternative Title
Deviant teaching Congregation Jemaah Dar Al-Arqam