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dc.contributor.authorMuhammad Abu Naim
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to study the contents of surah al-Qasas in terms of lessons and admonitions for the believers. It also explains the importance of aspects of faith such as belief in the oneness of Allah mission of the messenger of Allah resurrection Allahs power over everything destruction of oppressive and arrogant people on earth Allah help towards weak people anytime and any where human need towards the mission of the messenger of Allah and also some lessons taken from Fir'aun. This research also focuses on the lessons taken from Prophet Musa's journey from Madina to Madyan such as help from the oppressed one praying to Allah when he encountered misfortune putting trust in Him how Allah entertained his messenger with stories of the previous people as well as some lessons from the story of Musa and Qarun such as explaining the significance of wealth and knowledge the punishment for the oppressive and corruptive ones reward for the patient ones and the people who do good deeds and also guidance to the path of happiness which is the way of faith that the noble messenger propagated.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectSurah Al-qasasen_US
dc.titleسورة القصص ومافيها من عبر وعظاتen_US
dc.title.alternativeSurah Al-Qasas and its Contents on Lessons and Admonitionsen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Usuluddinen_US
dc.additionalinformationNumber page : 92 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorالأستاذ المشارك الدكتور احمد بن احمد شرشالen_US
dc.keywordSurah Al-qasasen_US

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