الاحاديث التي وردت في النهي عن التشبه بالمتشبهين والمتشبها ت جمعا ودراسة
This dissertation addresses the complex intricacies of prohibited emulating resemblances upon Muslim men and women by exploring the narration of subjective Hadith found in the book of Sunnah. Generally, historical and contemporary favor of simulation upon men and women in Islam both demonstrate a paradoxical reality. Although the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah entirely dismiss the false emulation and simulation of any forms, namely, the restriction of following non-believers, the wicked, the homosexuals as well as the interdiction of imitating the animal creatures. However, this kind of limitation and prohibition applies to certain regarded issues that contradicted the teachings of Islam. On the whole, this dissertation discusses briefly the explicit condemnation of the prohibited imitation regarding the prohibition of imitating mentioned clans above. As a result, the researcher found that the majority of the compiled Hadith in this dissertation are relatively Sahih
Alternative Title
The Compilation of Subjective Hadeeth Upon the Prohibition of Imitation for Male and Female in General: Analysis and Compilation