الأمامة عند الشيعة وموقف اهل السنة والجماعة منها
Shiah is one of the earliest Islamic denominations to appear and remain well developed to date. They are considered to stray from the true islamic teachings due to their deflected and devious beliefs. Some Muslims didn't reali8ze this thus view Shiahs' faith and beliefs similar to that of Ahli Sunnah wa al-Jamaahs'. There are even some who considered it to bear greater importance than Ahli Sunnah wa al-Jamaah. Hence, Shiahs; beliefs and way of thinking began to influence Muslim communities that adhere to Ahli Sunnahg wa al-Jamaah. Several years ago, the Shia influence has attracted the attention of communities in Malaysia and it is not impossible that the same thing can happen in Brunei Darussalam if it is not addressed properly. Hence, it is crucial to provide the public with an understanding on the dangers of Shias. This academic exercise aimed to reveal the misguided heretics of Sha, focusing on the issue of Imamate as the basis of Shiaism, and to bring forward the Ahli Sunnah wa al-Jammah view on it. This academic exercise uses inductive reasoning with reference to several Shiahs' and Sunnis' books as primary sources, as well as information from secondary sources such as the internet, journals and newspapers. Islamic scholars have established that the Shiahs' faith is dangerous and is not suitable to be practiced in Brunei Darussalam who adheres to the Ahli Sunnah wa al-Jamaah.
Alternative Title
Imamate according to Shia and Ahli Sunnah Wa-Aljamaahs' view on it