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dc.contributor.authorSiti Hawa binti Haji Jinih
dc.description.abstractIslam has laid down rules for women to leave their place of origin, which is home with certain conditions. The law of women leaving the home can be obligatory or circumcision or obligatory or illegal depending on circumstances and conditions. It is therefore required for women to go out during an emergency or when necessary, or with the permission of the guardian and mahram for a trip, to wear hijab according to the Shari'ah and not to go out for khalwat or to associate with men. This study aims to give the public's perception of the laws-hakam related to exit matters for women and remove suspicion about this matter. This study is a descriptive-inductive study using books on Fiqh, Hadith, Tafsir and websites. Researchers also discuss in detail the need to allow women to come out and reach the conclusion that Muslim women are glorified in their dignity compared to before the advent of Islam. In order to maintain the dignity of a woman, Islam has outlined some rules or conditions regarding a woman leaving the house: intending, getting permission from a guardian or husband, accompanied by a mahram, wearing hijab to cover the aurat and not going out to do haram or immoral things.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectIslamic lawen_US
dc.titleضوابط خروج المرأة في الشر يعة الاسلاميةen_US
dc.title.alternativeRules for a woman’s exit in Islamic lawen_US
dc.facultyFaculty Of Shariah and Lawen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number : 73 Pagesen_US
dc.supervisorأستاذ صفري بن الحاج سودينen_US
dc.keywordUndang-undang Islamen_US

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