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dc.contributor.authorAbdul Yamin bin Abdul Qadir
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to introduce a revolt law in the four mazhabs and teach or introduce students about their law at the school or university level in Brunei Darussalam. Researchers use descriptive methods in defining, in terms of, and the law of revolt in the four Fiqh Mazhabs. And differentiating investigators among the fiqh Mazhabs of fiqh on the Uprising. Researchers also use extrapolation methods in search of information and laws relating to the Revolution which existed in the earlier Fiqh books and research studies at present. The rebellion is a Muslim who comes out of the Imam or head without any right if there is no right to be regarded as a rebellion. And rebelling from a just or forced imam is Haram. Rebellion can not be executed unless it is rebelliously using weapons with the aim of fighting and killing, if rebellion with insult and threatening to kill is not to say the rebellion. Not killed in the head of the rebellion so he was excited to repent. And must take the rebel weapon. And can kill them by using weapons used to rebel. And can kill in the kingdom of rebellious kinsmen. And if killing members of Adil that martyrs do not need to be bathing but need to pray on it. If killing rebellious members is considered not a martyr, but will be perfected like ordinary Muslims. And it can guarantee rebellious members and disobedient infidels. Do not inherit a rebellious member who kills a fair heir and if a fair member kills a rebel member then he is entitled to inherit his property. It is forbidden to sell weapons to rebel members.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectIslamic Lawen_US
dc.titleأحكام البغاة في المذاهب الأربعةen_US
dc.title.alternativeLaw Rebellion in the Four Mazhaben_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Syariah and Lawen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 91 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorالدكتور ياسر السيد عبد العظيمen_US
dc.keywordHukum Pemberontakanen_US

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