تناسب الكلمات والآيات في تفسير ابن عاشور: سورة الزمر نموذجا
This study aims to reveal the relationship of the words and verses of the Qur‟an in tafsir Ibnu 'Asyur in surah al Zumar. This study helps in the interpretation of the Qur'an and recognizes hidden meanings and purposes. This study uses descriptive methods, analysis and criticism. With these methods, the researcher collects data and discusses matters relating to the title, namely by discussing and analyzing the interpretations of Ibnu 'Asyur and other interpretations related to the title, then explaining the suitability of Ibnu Asyur to interpreters or influence on them. This study has reached a conclusion including: especially the relation of words and verses explaining the miracles of order and the style of the language of al-Qur‟an al-Karim and explaining in them hidden meanings and intentions. This study has found that in fact Ibnu ‘Asyur was very master in explaining relations. Ibnu 'Asyur explained the relationship with the verses of the Qur'an in one verse, and also explained the relationship between the verses before or afterwards. Ibnu ‘Asyur mentions the sign of relationship in his interpretation, sometimes mentioning "according to the relationship, conformity, or suitability", "following the words", "part and commentary on the words", "as a preliminary statement", etc. This study, expect people to pay attention to the relationship of the words and verses of the Qur‟an so that they know the purpose of the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and miracles in them.
- MASTER (FOU) [71]
Alternative Title
Relationship of Words and Verses in Tafsir Ibnu ‘Asyur: Surah Al-Zumar as an Example