أحكام الشهادة في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون البروناو ي
This research describes the concept of understanding syahadah and its provisions in Islamic Fiqh and Brunei law. The researcher also wants to deliver about the allocation of syahadah in terms of its section, the rules, the terms and the issues that arise from the allocation of syahadah. Indeed, this method is a well-known method that has been used in the judicial system since the era of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Muslims can also refer to the sacred verses of the Quran and the narratives quoted in the hadiths that are considered to be guides to all Muslims. As such, the Government of Brunei Darussalam has already implemented the principle of syahadah in the Syariah Court's Evidence Act 2001, which is to ensure that it is one of the most effective means of proving a case. The methodology of this research is based on readings of facts and documents that can be referred to as material in this research by the title; Provision of syahadah in Islamic Fiqh and Brunei law. The result of this research is on the researcher's focus of understanding the concept of syahadah that has been provided in Islamic Fiqh as well as Brunei law. Therefore, the researcher has found that there is no difference of syahadah in Fiqh Islami and Brunei’s law.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Provision of Syahadah in Fiqh Islam and Brunei's Law