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dc.contributor.authorHamizah binti Haji Muslim
dc.description.abstractMarriage between a man and a woman is not merely attained the relationship between husband and wife but Islam sees marriage as an act of worship when every partner is fulfilling their rights and obligations whereas those who disobeys their partner’s rights and obligations are known as nusyuz. Therefore, this research aims to understand husband’s nusyuz and its impact to his marital relationship according to scholars’s opinions and how it is implemented in Brunei’s islamic family Law. Research methods employed in this work are using inductive and analytical approaches. By using the inductive approach, scholars’s books and opinions are reviewed which it will be able to response this problem when it is occurred. Meanwhile, by using the analytical approach, scholars’s opinions are identified between agreements and disagreements in a problem regarding to their quotation based on Al-quran and As-sunnah. As a result of using these approaches, this study will be able to decide valid scholar’s opinion(s) and gain several informations on causes, indications and impacts of nusyuz along with solutions to overcome the problems. Hence, the causes could be attributed to husband himself, his wife or their family. The indications of nusyuz could be summarized through his actions or speeches. This work will also clarify the problem which gives negative impacts to his wife and children, as well as ways to overcome it by providing advices and handling his/her behaviour with patience. However, if these solutions cannot solve the problems, his wife can report to authorities for her to make decisions between peace or divorce with his husband.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectIslamic Lawen_US
dc.titleنشوز الزوج وآثاره في الحياة الزوجيةen_US
dc.title.alternativeNusyuz of a Husband and its Impact to His Marriageen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Syariah and Lawen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 73 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorأستاذ حاج حياة الدين بن حاج مقسينen_US
dc.keywordNusyuz Seorang Suamien_US

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