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dc.description.abstractThis research which consists of three chapters, deal with YOGA: its origin, goals and the ways of practicing it as well as the stand of Islam towards this practice. The researcher felt the importance of this research after she noticed the people in the East and West give more attention to YOGA. Having many YOGA centers in Islamic countries and supporters among Muslims to YOGA practice led the researcher to do this research in order to understand the Islamic point of view towards this spiritual practice. The researcher while completing this research, adopted descriptive, analytical, critical and comparative methods as well as neutrality and objectivism while describing YOGA or criticizing and assessing it. One of the major findings of this research is that YOGA practice originated in India and its final goal is to gain spiritual liberation (MOKSHA) and union with the Supreme Soul (BRAHMA), which confirms without any doubt its connection to HINDUISM. In the light of this research, it has been understood that the contradiction Yoga has with Islam originates from the roots and goals of the practice. Therefore, Muslims don’t pay attention to the limited health benefits of YOGA since Islam carries the total benefits spiritually, mentally and physically through its Aqeedah, Syariah and Akhlaq values which leads to happiness in this life and here after.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.titleرياضة يوغا (Yoga) وموقف الإسلام منهاen_US
dc.title.alternativeYoga exercise and the stand of Islam towards iten_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Usuluddinen_US
dc.additionalinformationNumber of Pages: 122en_US
dc.supervisorالدكتور غفور الدين عبد المطلبen_US
dc.contributor.authorsNur Yazirain binti Kadil

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