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dc.contributor.authorNisrein Syahidah binti Burut
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to identify the bilingual (Arabic-Malay) dictionaries specifications to recognize shared and individual characteristics of those dictionaries, and to identify the best bilingual (Arab-Malay) dictionaries through analysis and comparison, and to identify the best dictionary according to characteristics selected by students and teachers of Arabic schools. This study consisted of 2 main study techniques: descriptive and comparative analytical. The study starts with listing of bilingual (Arab-Malay) dictionaries specifications, which focus on the authors, printing and publications, and their main characteristics : reputation, outlook, structure, words and definitions and contents. The study proceeds with the comparison between bilingual (Arab-Malay) dictionaries specifications with the selection of the best characteristics of each graded category. The study will use analytical (statistical and applied) approach to later identify the best bilingual (Arab - Malay) dictionary according to the best characteristics of those dictionaries selected by students and teachers alike. The most important achievements of this study are identifying the best bilingual (Arab-Malay) for Arabic school students in Brunei Darussalam, identifying bilingual (Arab-Malay) specifications and identifying the most suitable bilingual (Arab-Malay) dictionary for students according to selected characteristics of those dictionaries by students and teachers of Arab schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectArabic Languageen_US
dc.titleالمعاجم ثنائية اللغة عربي - ملايوي ومدى ملاءمتها لطلاب المدارس العربية في بروناي دار السلامen_US
dc.title.alternativeBilingual (Arabic-Malay) Dictionaries and Their Appropriateness With Students of Arabic Schools in Brunei Darussalamen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Arabic Languageen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 174 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorفغيران الدكتور الحاج سيف البحرين بن فغيران حاج كولاen_US
dc.keywordKamus Dwibahasaen_US
dc.keywordArab - Melayuen_US

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