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dc.contributor.authorSalwi Muhammad Ali Abu Saif
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at finding out the impact of learning the Holy Qur’an in the growth of the Arabic language to non-native speakers. It is a new study which links three areas: learning the Holy Qur’an, the growth of the Arabic language as a second language, and teaching Arabic language to non-native speakers. This study was done on the students of the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Qur’an Memorization Institute in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam. In order to study the topic, observation, a survey questionnaire, interview and test were used. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted. The findings in this study interestingly reveal that there is a positive link between learning the Holy Qur’an and the growth of the Arabic language skills to the learners of non-native Arabic speakers. As it stated the impact of the Holy Qur’an on the teaching of Arabic language at the Institute of the Qur’an memorization, The researcher recommended to activate the role of the Qur'an in Arabic language teaching, and in desinging of curricula for Arabic language courses consistent with the Holy Quran subjects, and the need to take advantage of scientific researchs related to Qur'an, and employed it educationaly, and implement it in the practical life, with the benefit of expertise scientific and educational for teachers of the Quran and the Arabic language in the development of educational curricula linked to the Quran and Arabic language teachers to non-native speakers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectArabic Languageen_US
dc.titleأثر تعلم القرآن الكريم في نمو اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها في سلطنة بروني دارالسلام معهد تحفيظ القرآن الكريم نموذجاen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Impact of Learning The Holy Qur'an in The Growth of The Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers in The Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam "Institute of The Qur'an Memorization as Case Study"en_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Arabic Languageen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 177 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorاِلدكتور أِبانج حِازمين بِن أِبانغ طِهen_US
dc.keywordImpak Mempelajari Al-Qur'anen_US

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