Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Examining the Perception of Muslim Community in Uganda on Waqf and its Role on Socio-Economic Development 

      Umar Ahmed; Mustafa Omar Mohammed; Ogunbado Ahamad Faosiy; Norzaidi Mohd Daud (IDOSI Publications, 2015)
      This paper attempts to examine the perception of Muslim community in Uganda on Waqf and its socio-economic roles. Based on survey, the findings shows that majority of the respondents are generally aware about Waqf and its roles of on socio-economic development. However, most of the respondents are ...
        Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research
    • Examining the Traditional Waqf-Based Financing Methods and Their Implications on Socio-Economic Development 

      Umar Ahmed (PhD); Ahamad Faosiy Ogunbado; Mustafa, Omar. M.( PhD) (International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR) IQSR Publications, 2015-02)
      Waqf properties constitute a large percentage of societal wealth in several Muslim countries. Yet, many Muslim countries are facing enormous socio-economic problems such as poverty, illiteracy and lack of basic healthcare services. These socio-economic problems encourage contemporary Muslim scholars ...
        Waqf; Islamic Law
        Journal of Business and Management
    • Investigating the Influence of Public Trust on the Revival of Waqf Institution in Uganda 

      Umar Ahmed; Mustafa Omar Mohammed; Ogunbado Ahamad Faosiy; Norzaidi Mohd Daud (IDOSI Publications, 2015)
      This study investigates the influence of public trust on the revival of Waqf institutions in Uganda. Based on survey from 320 respondents, the findings reveal that the majority of the respondents do not trust Islamic religious bodies in the country because they believed that their leaders are not ...
        Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research
    • Reflections on the Socioecomic Role of Waqf in an Islamic Economic System 

      Shehu U.R. Aliyu (Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01)
      Promotion of socioeconomic security peaks as a major public policy drive especially in developing and emerging economies. Waqf as a socioeconomic tool emphatically forms part of the ethical values of Islam and is seen as a primary vehicle for financing Islam and the society. This paper aims to provide ...
        Gift; Waqf; Poverty
        International Journal of `Umranic Studies Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian `Umran