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Now showing items 1-20 of 149
Proptection and adoption of orphan under Thai Child Protection Act, 2003
(2003)Thailand is a democratic and Buddhist country with the king as Head of the State. There are many provisions in the revised constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 1997(CKT,1997) and CKT, 2007 that provide the principles of democracy such as the protection of the interests of a child. By virtue of ...Adoption -- Religious aspects -- Islam -
Ahadith of the Prophet (saw) on Healing in Three Things (al-S hifa fi Thalatha): An Interpretational
(Nobel Matbaacılık, 2004-10)Attempts will be made to interpret and evaluate the authentic ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) on healing in three things (al-Shifa'fi Thalatha) namely by a gulp of honey (al-asal), cupping (al-hijamah) and cauterization (al-kayy). The study is extremely interesting and important because it throws ...Health -- Religious aspects -- IslamJOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (ISHIM) -
Mental health in Islamic medical tradition
(Ivyspring International Publisher, 2005-12)Tibb al-Ruhani or Tibb al-Qalb. Although Al-Tibb al-Ruhani concerns mainly with spiritual and psychological health, however, spiritual medicine cannot be separated completely with physical medicine (al-tibb al-jismani) since man’s construction is from both soul and body. In other words, there is a ...Mental health -- religionThe International Medical Journal -
Health and medicine in the Islamic tradition based on the book of medicine (Kitab Al-Tibb) of Sahih Al-Bukhari
(International Society For The History of Islamic Medicine (JISHIM), 2006)This article attempts to study the book of medicine (kitab al-tibb) in Sahih al-Bukhari. The book of medicine appears in the book 76 which consists of 58 chapters with 105 traditions (hadiths). The titles of each chapter in the book of medicine reflect the content of traditions regarding the medicine ...Medicine -- IslamJournal of International Society For The History of Islamic Medicine (JISHIM) -
Strengthening legal education and judicial training in the Maldives: a case study
(2007)The article discusses the law and policy reform activities carried out by the Asian Development Bank with its focus on countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and the legal interventions which impact upon citizens, private sector, and state institutions. The technical assistance seeks to strengthen ...Maldives -- Case studyIIUM Law Journal -
Healing through Ruqyah (Incantation) with special focus on the perception of Malay-Muslim society in Kelantan and Terengganu on Ruqyah as an alternative way of healing in Malaysia
(Nobel Matbaacılık, 2008)This paper is an attempt to discuss healing through Ruqyah (incantation) focus on perception of Malay-Muslim society in Kelantan and Terengganu on Ruqyah as an alternative way of healing in Malaysia. Healing through Ruqyah (incantation) especially by using the Qur’anic verses, recitation of Du`a ...Medicine, Malaysia -- IslamJOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) -
Maintaining a Healthy Environment: An Islamic Ethical Approach
(2009)Islam plays an important role in preservation of the quality of a precious environment. This is because, according to Islam, not only Allah (s.w.t) has absolute sovereignty over man’s life and death, but man has no dominion over his own life or non-human life. Man cannot act as owner over the environmental ...Enviromental healthEuropean Journal of Social Sciences -
Lawful and unlawful foods in Islamic law focus on Islamic medical and ethical aspects
(semantic scholar, 2009)In this paper, attempts will be made to study and understand the lawful and unlawful foods in the light of Islamic Medical law focus on ethical aspect that has been practiced during Islamic civilization. We will realize that lawful and unlawful foods are not, as some imagine, mere pretense, but rather ...Islamic LawInternational Food Research Journal -
Urbanism, Space and Human Psychology: Value Change and Urbanization in Malaysia
(researchgate, 2009)Malaysia is among the fast growing developing countries in the East. Since independence 1957, together with nationwide progress and development, the rapid urbanization took place and this led to a massive migration of people from rural villages to urban and newly growth areas. Soon these immigrants ...Urbanization -- MalaysiaEuropean Journal of Social Sciences -
The Code of Muslim Family Law and Law of Inheritance (1941) As Applicable in the Provincial Courts of Southern Four Border Provincess of Thailand: Issues and Prospects
(UNISSA Press, 2009-12-30)This article aims at examining what place does the Code of Muslim Family Law and Law of Inheritance has in the minority Muslim of the Four Southern Border Provinces of Thailand. While many countries such as the Philippines, Sri Lanka where Muslims are minority has recognized officially Islamic Family ...Domestic relations (Islamic law) -- ThailandJurnal Fiqh -
Earth in the Holy Qur'an; How to protect and maintain it?
(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 2010)Dalam usaha mengembalikan umat Islam kepada kegemilangan tamadun Islam bersumberkan al-Qur’an dan Sunnah, Islam Hadhari telah diperkenalkan oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi pada tahun 2004 berdasarkan kepada sepuluh prinsip Islam Hadhari. Tujuan artikel ini ialah ...Enviromental healthJurnal Hadhari: An International Journal -
Party autonomy over jurisdiction clause in Islamic Finance
(Core, 2011)The principle of party autonomy is recognized internationally when it comes to the conflict of laws. The parties are free to insert the governing law clause in their respective contract. Shamil Bank of Bahrain v. Beximco Pharmaceuticals sent repercussion to the Islamic finance industry when the court ...FinanceJournal of Business Management and Accounting -
Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam (Hudud) di Malaysia: Persepsi dan Realiti*
(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan kerjasama Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2012)Pengenalan; Kedudukan Undang-Undang Islam di Malaysia; Usaha untuk memperkenalkan undang-undang Jenayah Islam di Malaysia; Respons orang Islam dan bukan Islam terhadap pengenalan undang-undang jenayah Islam (Hudud) di Malaysia;Undang-Undang Jenayah Islam Suatu Realiti; KesimpulanCriminal Law (Islamic Law) -- MalaysiaJurnal Undang-Undang Syariah dan Sivil Brunei Darussalam -
Pengangkatan Anak Menurut Syarak dan Undang-Undang di Negara Brunei Darussalam
(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan kerjasama Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2012)Adoption -- Law and Legislation -- MalaysiaJurnal Undang-Undang Syariah dan Sivil Brunei Darussalam -
Impacts of Colonialism on Religions: An Experience of Southwestern Nigeria.
(International Organization of Scientific Research, 2012)Exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one or the use of the weaker country's resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country is what is termed as colonialism. Henceforth, many parts of the world in general and African continent in particular experienced this phenomenon. Nigeria as one ...ColoniesJournal Of Humanities And Social Science -
Wali Pernikahan dan Jurunikah di Bawah Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam dan Praktik Penggunaan Kedua-duanya Dalam Masyarakat
(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan kerjasama Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2012)Pendahuluan; Kedudukan Wali Dalam Pernikahan; Kelayakan Wali Pernikahan Dalam Mengakadnikahkan; Peruntukan Bagi Wali Pernikahan Suatu Pernikahan Menurut Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam; Peruntukan bagi Jurunikah dan Kuat Kuasanya Menjalankan Suatu Akad Nikah; Perbandingan Peruntukan Mengenai Kuat Kuasa ...MarriageJurnal Undang-Undang Syariah dan Sivil Brunei Darussalam -
Penghakiman Kes Jenayah Syariah: Suatu Tinjauan di Bawah Perundangan Syariah Malaysia
(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan kerjasama Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2012)Criminal Law (Islamic Law) -- MalaysiaJurnal Undang-Undang Syariah dan Sivil Brunei Darussalam -
(Institut Islam Hadhari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2012)The main purpose of this article is to introduce two more essential values of daruriyyat (the essential/ the necessities) in accordance to objective of Islamic law namely preservation/protection of environment (Hifz al-Bi`ah) and preservation of health and protection of disease (hifz al-sihhah wa daf ...Islamic LawJURNAL HADHARI -
Estimating Ethnic Identities’ Importance Among Iranian Tribes
(Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2012)Unappreciation and inattention to ethnic identity weakens unity, and this is a threat for national integrity and solidarity in culturally diverse societies. For this reason, governments and authorities try to strengthen national integrity through utilizing local values. This study rates local values’ ...EthnicsSocial Policy and Administration -
Bidang Kuasa Pentadbiran Harta Pusaka Orang Islam di Malaysia: Perspektif Perundangan Syariah dan Sivil
(Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dengan kerjasama Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2012)Pendahuluan; Peruntukan Statutori Harta Pusaka; Bidang Kuasa Pentadbiran Harta Pusaka Orang Islam; Bidang Kuasa Mahkamah Syariah; Bidang Kuasa Mahkamah Tinggi Sivil; Bidang Kuasa Jabatan/Pejabat Tanah dan GalianInheritance and Succession (Islamic Law)Jurnal Undang-Undang Syariah dan Sivil Brunei Darussalam