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dc.contributor.authorAdi Fadzrin bin Ibrahim
dc.description.abstractCapital mobilization is one of the significant component for economic country development. All capital either in cash or assets forms are need to be generated so that it can be function and become productive in economic country development. As like other Islamic Banking, Brunei Darussalam also used similar operation to run saving funds for business purposes based on syarʑah law. The purpose of this research is to investigate the practice of capital mobilization carried out by banking institution in Brunei Darussalam and also to examine community understanding in this particular field. Apart from that, these researches also make justification on banking resources. To achieve this objective, researcher will use a number of methodology research such as primary and secondary data: interview and survey forms. The outcome of this research will present general picture of capital mobilization generate by both BIBD and TAIB corporation. This research will also obtain the possibility factors of lack understanding in investment product along with challenge faced by Islamic Banking in Brunei Darussalam.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectFinancial Economyen_US
dc.titleMobilisasi Modal Dalam Amalan Institusi Kewangan Islam di Brunei Darussalamen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Syariah and Lawen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 171 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorDr Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqien_US
dc.keywordKewangan Islamen_US

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