الزواج عن طريق وسائل الاتصال الحديثة
In these modern times individuals have taken advantage of electronic media to facilitate their daily affairs such as trading and so on. This paper describes the law by using electronic media which has been divided into the introduction, three chapters and conclusions. In the first chapter explains the marriage, the rules of marriage, the conditions and the wisdom. In the second chapter, it is about electronic media, electronic media tools and example marriage by communication. The third chapter explains the law of marriage in written and visual manner. The writing of this paper is uses by librarian study methods with library references for example Fiqh books and interviews with several lawyers who a participate in Brunei Syariah Court. With the writing of this paper, it can open the public’s mind that not all solutions are using electronic media. Marriage is the determination of the direction a relationship between two married individuals as it involves both the dignity and the family of both parties.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Perkahwinan melalui cara komunikasi moden
Marriage Via Modern Communication
Marriage Via Modern Communication