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dc.contributor.authorAwangku Haji Muhammad Syahrin bin Pengiran Haji Shamsuddin
dc.description.abstract‌ In fact The Holy Quran is the miraculous and eternal Allah’s word until the Day of Judgment. It was descended to the Great Unlettered Prophet in Arabic Language. It is the word that is full with its amazing style and the best rhetoric that the mankind and demons cannot bring anything similar to it, even one verse. The story of Yūsuf is among the best stories of al-Quran and of the world. It is full with various styles for rhetorical objectives that emphasize on the rhetorical miracle of the al-Quran and wonderful system that dominates it. The study in this thesis is a Rhetorical and Analytical about the verses from surah Yūsuf in accordance with the stages of Yūsuf’s life (peace be upon Him) using the descriptive and analytical approach. The researcher has divided this thesis into two chapters starting with introduction. The first chapter deals with brief theoretical study about the rhetorical styles and their role in the Quranic Miracles consisting of five sections. The second chapter deals with Rhetorical and Analytical study in Surah Yūsof consisting of eight sections, followed by the conclusion including results and recommendations, research appendix where the researcher has revealed special table consists of rhetoric styles such as: statement, meanings and Science of Figures of Speech contained in order to add the value of this thesis, and after that the bibliography and references. I hope that through this thesis the Bruneian Students particularly, and researchers generally will benefit from this beneficial Rhetorical Analysis Study.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectQur'an. Surat Yusuf -- Criticism, Interpretation, etc.en_US
dc.titleسورة يوسف: دراسة بلاغية تحليليةen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Arabic Languageen_US
dc.supervisorDr. Kamal Abdul Aziz Ibrahimen_US
dc.keywordSurah Yusufen_US

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