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dc.contributor.authorAl-Hasan Al-Aidaros
dc.contributor.authorArif Fadilah Ishak
dc.contributor.authorWan Mohd Faris Wan Mahamud
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this paper are (1) to find out what should be embodied in the framework of Hibah awareness, and (2) to examine the relationship between the independents variables (i.e. demographic factors, social influence, marketing and promotion, and knowledge) and the dependent variable (i.e. Hibah awareness). This research used a quantitative approach based on Islamic literature on the Hibah issue. A questionnaire was created and data were collected from 140 customers of 3 Islamic banks (i.e. BankIslam, CIMB Islamic, and MayBank Islamic) located in Kedah, Malaysia. To achieve the first objective, reliability analysis as well as Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were carried out. As for the second objective, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis were used. The findings revealed that the theoretical framework consists of four main constructs. They are: Hibah awareness, social influence, marketing and promotion, and knowledge in which three of them (e.g. Hibah awareness, social influence, and knowledge) have two components for each, while the construct of “marketing and promotion” has one component only. The results of one-way ANOVA showed that age and position are significant in relation to Hibah awareness. Finally, the regression analysis indicated that marketing and knowledge significantly influence the Hibah awareness as estate planning. The paper contributes to the literature on Islamic estate planning (and more specifically on Hibah) with lack of studies in this area in general. Unlike other Islamic estate planning studies where the writing is mainly theoretical in its nature, this study used an empirical method.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.titleEmpirical study on Hibah Awareness in Kedah state of Malaysia Al-Hasanen_US
dc.typeArticles in Journalen_US
dc.pages9 Pages (14-22)en_US
dc.JournalInternational Journal of `Umranic Studies Jurnal Antarabangsa Kajian `Umranen_US
dc.keywordHibah awarenessen_US
dc.keywordsocial influenceen_US

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