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dc.contributor.authorAssayyid bin Muhammad
dc.identifier.citationAssayyid bin Muhammad. (2016). الجملة العربية: دراسة نحوية لتيسير القواعد للناطقين بغير العربية. Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at presenting simplified declension for Arabic sentence that suits non-native learners of Arabic. The study in its four chapters depended on descriptive method. In the first chapter the researcher discussed about the definition of the sentence, structure, meaning and form with the purpose of analyzing it as has been defined by the grammarians. The second chapter dealt with the various meanings of simplification as well as the suggestions provided for it to know its impact and influence on Arabic pedagogy trying to show the most salient features of these attempts presently and in the past through historical method. The third chapter was guided by critical analytical method where the previous views on simplification were discussed based on which new principles and rules for simplification have been provided for those who want to embark on presenting an acceptable simplification. In the fourth chapter the researcher presented his practical views on simplification through practical example based on the principles and support that he had already prepared and showed its framework. Finally came the conclusion followed by the results, the most important of which were that if the Arabic syllabus for non-native speakers was changed from the adherence to the syllabi which intended for teaching the mother tongue learners along with consideration of their linguistic abilities and environmental conditions the results would be wonderfully positive. One of the main objectives of this research was to find simple means for comprehension and application of the Arabic sentence declension (elements) for non-native speakers that would guide them through the general meaning of the sentence, the interrelationship of its words, the case ending signs and provide specific terminology for each word in a graded simplified manner.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Islam Sultan Sharif Alien_US
dc.subjectArabic Languageen_US
dc.titleالجملة العربية: دراسة نحوية لتيسير القواعد للناطقين بغير العربيةen_US
dc.title.alternativeArabic Sentence: Grammatical Study to Simplify Grammar for Non-Native Speakersen_US
dc.facultyFaculty of Arabic Languageen_US
dc.additionalinformationPage Number: 194 pagesen_US
dc.supervisorد/ قرني عبد الحليم عبد الله صفاen_US
dc.keywordIlmu Nahuen_US

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