(فهم علم الميراث (الفرائض
The research is about the verities of inheritances (faraid) within the Islamic Calculation as well as ways to divide among the rightful recipient. This research is divided into three, the first one is containing the understanding of inheritance of property (faraid), dalil (statement) in accordance to Al-Quran, Hadith (tradition of the prophet) and Ijma' as well as the blessing in learning and finding out more about the inheritance. Whereas the second part is about hisab (calculation) division rightful of each inheritance. It also explains the issue oh inheritance that has been stopped to those who should have receive it and the matter related to it. The third chapter is about inheritance that has been lost, with held or that has been vanished as inheritance during pregnancy or to rightful owner.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Heritage Property (Faraid)