المحرمات في النكاح دراسة في الفقه الإسلامي وقانون الأسرة الإسلامية البروناوي لعام 1999
Islam encourages mariage. It is likely to happen that men are destined to be with women. However, under some cicumstances, there are some women that are forbidden to marry men due to blood relationship, a family for example, or other uninevitable reasons. It is such an honour and a respect for women, as for example, those who wants to marry his biological mother or daughter or sister. This is a very unpleasant thing to do. Moreover, the relationship between them is very closed. In addition, the purpose of marriage is to enlarge family members. Due to this purpose, Brunei Darussalam had established an act of Islamic Family Law 1999 where there are sections that explained a relationship which forbids women to be married. This act is written according to what had been explained in Fiqh Islam. This thesis contains two sections. The first section describes the meaning of marriage and it’s understanding, categories of women that cannot be married in Fiqh Islam, whereas the second section describes women that cannot be married in the Islamic Family Law 1999.
- BACHELOR (FSL) [290]
Alternative Title
Women That are Forbidden to be Married, Research in Fiqh Islam & Islamic Family Law