Search Results
Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Problems and Prospects of Islamic Banking: A Case Analysis of Sri Lanka
(Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, 2018)
This paper seeks to contribute to the Islamic finance industry by examining the Islamic banking practice,
its legal framework and the problems and prospect of the Islamic banking industry in Sri Lanka. Since
1997, the ...
Analysis of the Tests Developed by the Courts in Determining the Existence of an Employee or an Independent Contractor Relationship in the Imposition of Vicarious Liability in Malaysia
(Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, 2014-01)
Employers are said to be vicariously liable for the torts of their employees which are
committed during the course of employment. It is critical that business owners correctly
determine whether the individuals providing ...
Issuing Interim Measures in Arbitration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(Macrothink Institute, 2014-12-12)
An interim measure is, broadly speaking, a remedy or a relief that is aimed at safeguarding the rights of parties to a dispute pending its final resolution. The paper aims to provide a clarification to the Arbitration law ...
Repossession of Goods by the Owner under the Malaysian Hire-Purchase Act 1967: An Overview
(Research Malaysia Publication, 2018)
: Repossession of goods the subject-matter of hire-purchase agreement is an important
remedy available to the owner in hire-purchase transactions under the Malaysian Hire -Purchase Act
1967. Repossession occurs when the ...
A Quest for Defining Terrorism in International Law: The Emerging Consensus
(School of Law UUM, Government and International Studies, 2014)
The United Nations (UN) has no internationally-agreed definition of terrorism. The
definitional impasse has prevented the adoption of a Comprehensive Convention on
International Terrorism. Even in the immediate aftermath ...
Media and the Libel Law: The Malaysian Experience
(Elsevier Publishing company, 2014-11-06)
The media have assumed and reinforced their important role as a legitimate reflection of public interest and opinion. However, the media are peculiarly vulnerable to error of confusing the public interest with their own ...
Ethno-Sectarian Division and the Predicaments of National Integration in Plural Societies: A Study of Nigeria and Iraq
(CSRC Publishing, 2016-06-30)
Objective: The purpose of this paper is toexamine the problem of sectarianism in Nigeria and Iraq, as both countries provide typical examples of ethno-sectarian divided societies ...
Freedom of Religion and Apostasy under International Law: With Special Reference to Article 11 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution
The right to freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights guaranteed in
many international and regional human rights instruments. Several international
documents safeguard freedom of religion including the right ...
Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards: A Case Study of Malaysia and Saudi Arabia
(Macrothink Institute, 2014-07-01)
Recognition and enforcement are crucial elements of arbitration. Without the possibility for
the winning party to enforce the arbitral award in its desired country, the whole arbitration
process becomes pointless. This ...
Clinical Trials: The Conflict between the Doctors‟ Financial Interests of in Recruiting Patients and the Patients‟ Best Interests in Malaysia
(School of Social Sciences, USM, 2015)
The Hippocratic and the principle of beneficence require that doctors should always act in the
patient‘s best interest. However, once the ‗doctor‘ puts on the hat of a ‗doctor-investigator‘
by involving in clinical trials, ...