Search Results
Now showing items 81-90 of 118
Empirical Investigation of Islamic Banking Adoption in Brunei
(Centre for Research on Islamic Banking & Finance and Business, 2018)
The main objective of this study is to explore the understanding level of various Islamic banking concepts and determine the factors that impact the adoption of Islamic banking services in Brunei. The impact of the level ...
اسرار معجزة القران الصؤتية
...للنص القراني خصؤصية
الرحلة العلمية بين المغرب ؤالاندلس ؤثرها الثقافي خلال القرن الرابع الهجري/العاشر الميلادي
...يعني هذا البحث ببيان اهم جهؤد المغاربة في نشاط الرحلة ؤالزيارة التي قام بها هؤلاء المجتمع
The Harmonisation of Shariah and Civil Law in the Area of Contract with Special Reference to the Remedies for Anticipatory Breach of Contract
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01)
The paper revealed that the contract law at the conceptual level is substantially similar in common law, civil law and Sharīah to the extent that the writers of Islamic law of contract do not explore, especially in the ...
Religious Tradition:Between Intrepretation and Text Innovation
(Universiti islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2018-12)
The discussionsof Islam which linked with tradition and/or Islam and culture havebeen conducted since early 19thcentury. Such discussions havedrained the energy of Muslim intellectuals due to its vast scope ...
A Contribution of Muslim Scholars on the Unity of Science and Religion Based on the Holy Quran
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01)
Apart from the spirit and the supernatural, humans have been allowed to learn and understand through the mind, sense and the senses. The meaning of His Knowledge and Iradat is only about the laws and regulations of His ...
Kajian Awal Terhadap Mantik Al-Ghazālī Dalam Mempertahankan Akidah Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jamā‘ah
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2018-05-29)
Makalah ini menjelaskan fungsi al-qiyās dalam tradisi mantik yang mana kepekaan al-Ghazālī dalam menghadapi isu al-ma‘rifah yang dibawa oleh aliran Shī‘ah al-Ismā‘īlīyyah al-Bāṭinīyyah al-Ta‘līmīyyah telah menaiktaraf ...
A Glance on Shariah Basis of Takaful (Islamic Insurance)
(Scholars Middle East Publishers, 2017)
This is a doctrinal research on the Shariah basis of takaful (Islamic
Insurance). The research reveals that that takaful has basis in ancient Arabia in the
system of “Aqilah” which involves mutual assistance. It can also ...
Shariah Arbitration in Islamic Finance Transaction: An Urgent Need for Muslim Arbitrators
(Pertanika, 2014-01-01)
Muslim Arbitrators are needed to settle the dispute in Islamic Finance. The process Model in Shariah Arbitration may differ from the tahkim and conventional arbitration which is based totally on the UNCITRAL Arbitration ...
الوقف الإسلامي وأبعاده المقاصدية
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2018-05-29)
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى إبراز المقاصد من الوقف الإسلامي وذلك من أجل الإنطلاق الحقيقي لتنمية الوقف واستثماره بما يوافق الشرع ويحقق في النهاية الرقي الحضاري للأمة بتلبية الحاجات والإحسان بين الخلق. سيعتمد الباحثان في دراستهما ...