Search Results
Now showing items 31-40 of 160
Pelihara Kesucian Sunnah Nabawiyyah: Kenali Kriteria Hadith Palsu
Senario yang wujud di kalangan orang awam pada masa kini ialah terdapat budaya copy paste tazkirah-tazkirah melalui saluran media massa atau aplikasi sosial yang sebahagiannya mengandungi petikan-petikan hadis. Yang menjadi ...
Al-Jabarti's Contribution In Describing The French Campaign On Eqypt
Al-Jabarti as a prominent historian is unique. First he was a transitional figure who combined between medieval and modern as he put together the early, middle and modern events in his chronicle...
'Umran: Konsep Dan Perlaksanaannya Di Alam Melayu
The concept of 'umran is an important aspect of human knowledge and it has received wide acceptance especially among western scholars, albeit unsuccessfully, to understand the real meaning of the term. This paper draws ...
Kepimpinan Dakwah Menerusi Teladan: Suatu Sorotan Terhadap Sahsiah Rasulullah (S.A.W)
Kertas kerja ini merupakan satu kajian terhadap kepimpinan melalui teladan dan perspektif Islam secara umum yang kemudiannya dikaitkan dengan kepimpinan dakwah melalui teladan yang dilandaskan kepada sahsiah Rasulullah ...
من اعلام الادب العربي النيجيري المعاصر; اسهامات الشيخ عبد اللة بن فودي في تطوير اللغة العربية وادابها
...دخلت اللغة العربية الي المنطقة المعروفة
Understanding Islamic Ethics and Its Significance in Character Building
The most important thing in this issue is that revelation was the source of Ethics in Character Building. Therefore, Ethics are a set of fixed values and ideals that serve every person, regardless of race, time, location ...