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Now showing items 31-40 of 179
The Concept Of Lafz And Ma'na: Ibn Rashiq's Contribution To Literary Criticism
The duality in the concept of lafz and ma'na was literary phenomenons, many literary critics of the medieval Islam, have delved into this concept. Ibn Rashiq al-Qayrawani (d. 456/1063) proposed that Ma'na is the soul and ...
Kemunculan Gagasan Persuratan Baru Menjadikan Dunia Persuratan Islam Di Alam Melayu Lebih Dinamik Dan Terarah
Kegiatan persuratan Melayu yang telah sedia dinamik nampaknya lebih dinamik lagi dengan munculnya gagasan ini, walaupun masih di peringkat awal, namun sebagai konsep persuratan yang memberi penekanan kepada kepentingan ...
Sesi 3 – Mental Health & Adolescence
The Role of Islamic Banks in Promoting Brunei's Agricultural Activities
It is a fact that agriculture is vital in sustaining national food production. Therefore, agricultural activity is categorized as the most important economic activity - which cannot be ignore in any circumstances - because ...
تحديات الدعوة السلمية في عصر العولمة
...يكد يحبمع الباحثون ان تطور العالم في جوانبة