Search Results
Now showing items 111-118 of 118
Commercializing Muzara’ah model contract through Islamic finance to help Malaysian aborigines
(Zes Rokman Resources (2131022-P), 2013)
The rigts of Orang Asli on land is merely regarded as tenant at will. As a consequences, they will lost their land and rights to the crops that they are skilled full in. This paper aim to highlight the plight and pressures ...
رسم المصحف تاريخه ؤحكمه
...يتناول هذا البحث قضية رسم المصحف، من حيث حكم اتباعه، والاختلاف الواقع...
Investigating the Influence of Public Trust on the Revival of Waqf Institution in Uganda
(IDOSI Publications, 2015)
This study investigates the influence of public trust on the revival of Waqf institutions in Uganda. Based on survey from 320 respondents, the findings reveal that the majority of the respondents do not trust Islamic ...
Proptection and adoption of orphan under Thai Child Protection Act, 2003
Thailand is a democratic and Buddhist country with the king as Head of the State. There are many provisions in the revised constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 1997(CKT,1997) and CKT, 2007 that provide the principles ...
Risk management innovation of Islamic financial institutions
(Università degli Studi di Torino, 2016-04-29)
The early of the millennium witnesses fast development in Islamic Financial Institutions. Professional practise and Islamic Financial specialist academics have been breathlessly racing to invent new Islamic Financial ...
Ethno-Sectarian Division and the Predicaments of National Integration in Plural Societies: A Study of Nigeria and Iraq
(CSRC Publishing, 2016-06-30)
Objective: The purpose of this paper is toexamine the problem of sectarianism in Nigeria and Iraq, as both countries provide typical examples of ethno-sectarian divided societies characterized by huge contrasts in social ...
قراءة نقدية في مقدمة الشعر ؤالشعراء لابن قتيبة
...شهد القرن الثالث الهجري حركة ثقافية فكرية غذاها انتشار العرب في جميع الارجاء ؤانفتاحهم عاي
A Practical Approach to Maslahah Based Decision Making Framework
(University Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01-02)
Decision making is a crucial stage in management of project and policy process where various alternatives are identified based on particular values and preferences of the decision maker. Eventually, it bridges the ...