Search Results
Now showing items 91-100 of 118
A Contribution of Muslim Scholars on the Unity of Science and Religion Based on the Holy Quran
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01)
Apart from the spirit and the supernatural, humans have been allowed to learn and understand through the mind, sense and the senses. The meaning of His Knowledge and Iradat is only about the laws and regulations of His ...
Kaitan Zakat dan Penggubalan Wang Haram: Analisis Laporan Bank Dunia, dan Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
(University Sultan Sharif Ali, 2019-01-02)
Zakat merupakan kewajipan setiap Muslim sebagaimana yang dinyatakan didalam al-Quran dan Hadith Nabi SAW. Zakat adalah bertujuan untuk menyucikan dan menyuburkan harta.Walaubaimanapun, akhir ini menyaksikan ...
The Protection of Animals in Thailand--An Insight into Animal Protection Legislation
There are many critics of current Thai law concerning the welfare of animals. They
argue that the PACPAWA,2014 is inadequate to protect the welfare of animals. The
absence of clear guidelines in the legislation concerning ...
إظهار مميزات اللغة العربية عبر تنوع صيغ أوزنها واختلاف دلالاتها
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2018-05-29)
اللغة العربية لغة غنية دقيقة تمتاز بالوفرة الهائلة في الصيغ والأوزان، كما تدل على وحدة طريقتها في تكوين الجمل الفنية العديدة، وهي قادرة على إنتاج الأساليب العلمية القويمة، والمصطلحات اللغوية التى تتسم بالسمات الجيدة. وهي ...
كلمة التحرير
(Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 2018-05-29)
Clinical Trials: The Conflict between the Doctors‟ Financial Interests of in Recruiting Patients and the Patients‟ Best Interests in Malaysia
(School of Social Sciences, USM, 2015)
The Hippocratic and the principle of beneficence require that doctors should always act in the
patient‘s best interest. However, once the ‗doctor‘ puts on the hat of a ‗doctor-investigator‘
by involving in clinical trials, ...
Consumer Protection and the Bruneian Sale of Goods Act 1994: With Special Reference to Quality and Fitness of Goods
(International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR), 2018-01-05)
With a rapidly expanding urbanised population, Brunei Darussalam has ever more demanding consumers. Increased affluence in the country has given birth to a more sophisticated consumer, who not only looks for value for ...
Advances in Global Business Research
(ResearchGate, 2015-11-16)
Proptection and adoption of orphan under Thai Child Protection Act, 2003
Thailand is a democratic and Buddhist country with the king as Head of the State. There are many provisions in the revised constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, 1997(CKT,1997) and CKT, 2007 that provide the principles ...
Risk management innovation of Islamic financial institutions
(Università degli Studi di Torino, 2016-04-29)
The early of the millennium witnesses fast development in Islamic Financial Institutions. Professional practise and Islamic Financial specialist academics have been breathlessly racing to invent new Islamic Financial ...